Real Criminal Record Searches
Boone County
Arrest records from Boone County dating back to 2006. Available data elements may include name, sex, race, height, weight, dob, offense, arrest date, and disposition. Update Frequency: Monthly
Dept of Corrections
Criminal convictions on persons sentenced to serve time in a state facility dating back to 1972. Available data elements may include name, DOB or age, charge county, offense, offense date, disposition, disposition date, sentence, and facility. Update Frequency: No updates available
Fulton County
Arrest records from Fulton County dating back to 2005. Available data elements may include name, address, sex, race, height, weight, dob, offense, and arrest date. Update Frequency: Monthly
McCracken County
Arrest records dating back to 2006. Available data elements may include name, race, sex, DOB, charge, and date booked. Update Frequency Monthly